Alireza! Hitch your wagon to a star for your limit is the azure sky.

I want to share with you some bee and bee-related expressions. Curious to know them? Well, keep reading the whole text.
a busy bee
-someone who enjoys being busy or active
be the bee's knees
-to be very good
hive of activity
- somewhere where things are very busy
make a beeline for (someone or something)
- to go straight toward someone or something
none of (someone's) beeswax
- none of someone's business
have a bee in one's bonnet
- to have a fixed idea that stays in one's mind

I got that picture from a really cool website. Idioms By Kids is a website with over 1000 kid drawings of the literal meaning of a number of English idioms. Start learning by clicking on the pictures. Use your noddle to guess the meaning of the idioms. Then, read the idioms and write down your own sentences using those idioms.
For sure, those illustrations can help you keep in mind for a long period of time what you are trying to grasp and grab. Have fun learning and thanks for your warm comments.
finally a new post,Thank heavens!
May God bless you and your brother.
Hi Lucia,
You are a real friend.
I like this one:
none of (someone's) beeswax
so funny!!!
Thanks for the Idioms,any way.
I wish good luck for you and bro Alireza...
yeah I agree,Such is life...
but we must keep the spirit up.
wish you joy and happiness.
thanks thanks dear
ur blog is really useful
Hi ... nice blog! I was searching internet and then I found here
I've made a weblog recently..your presence in there would be my honour
Hi dear ,
this blog is just what I had in mind , thank you so much .
I enjoyed alot .
good luck
Hi dear ,
this blog is just what I had in mind , thank you so much .
I enjoyed alot .
good luck
Hi dear Zahra your blog became attractive .I read new text too is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy good. I wish you could reach all your wishes with your brother Alireza in the azure sky .have nice time so long
Hi dear Zahra your blog became attractive .I read new text too is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy good. I wish you could reach all your wishes with your brother Alireza in the azure sky .have nice time so long
Thanks for your beautiful comment and, you too, have a nice time
Hi zahra thanks for coming.. you really gladdend me... I linked your blog up because I really like it...
have a good day sweetheart...
i really found ur blog very helpful.good job.
I think your brother is so lucky,because he has a nice sister.Have a good time.
اي كه صبح ازل شروعت بود
كهكشان حيطه ي طلوعت بود
بهترين لحظه ها براي خدا
لحظه ي سجده خشوعت بود
آنچه ديشب مرا سليمان كرد
خواب انگشتر ركوعت بود
چاه وقفي ونخل هاي بلند
حاصل چله هاي جوعت بود
اي سر آغاز مرد بي پايان
اي كه صبح ازل شروعت بود
كس نديده است ارتفاع تورا
آفتاب تورا شعاع تورا
به نگاهت كمي نقاب بده
فرصتي هم به آفتاب بده
از خودت از بيان شرح خودت
دست پيغمبران كتاب بده
تا رطب هاي من شود باده
نخلهاي مرا شراب بده
تا بلنداترين صدات كنم
به لبم حق انتخاب بده
عیدتون مبارک!
I was reading your previous posts,suddenly I saw this link:
you know what?
my result was:
What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Northeast
Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.
what can I say...
just can't believe it!
coz my accent is PERSIAN.
Hi friend
Tnx for adding my link..
See ya
Hi and happy father's day... I Wish all dads in the world are proud of who they are!!
Happy blogging!
I bookmarked your page.
Hello Samira!
Thanks :)
Glad to meet you.
Do you have a good blog
Good luck
Forza Calcio Italia
thanks for your comment on my weblog. I really like your blog.
Thanks :)
You are kind.
Always good luck
Be happy
belle prière!
Merci pour votre visite.
Hi,a new friend
ciao,come stai?
La ringrazio molto signora Zahra,Così felice che si è scelto di andare al mio blog.ciao
dorood zahra khanoom sepas gozaram ke be man sar zadid,baz ham montazere hozoreton hastam bedroood
hala chon kale zaban omadi pas begir hehe :D inam espanol
hola,come stas?
Gracias por el comentario vosotros blog.Su comentario acerca de mi poema dar
salam khobiD?
ba sepas bekhatere nazari ke be man dadii,lotfan be sheram nazar bede,
hamin alan gozashtam.sepaso bedrood
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